Marketing Infrastructure


The quality of your marketing infrastructure will be a major factor in how effective your marketing efforts and team are.

Common questions are:

  • Which CRM do I need now? A year from now?
  • Which databases should I subscribe to?
  • What’s the right direct mailing system for me?
  • Do I need a marketing automation platform now? Which one?
  • What website platform to use?
  • Social media platforms?

These and other questions will have long-term impact on the success of your marketing efforts and we can help get you there.  Working together, we will select the right suite of marketing tools and infrastructure components for you, starting with a needs analysis, shortlisting, and comparing them and recommending the purchase and use model.

Already have your marketing platforms and infrastructure in place?  Great!  Let us help you assess how optimal the use and pricing is, and if needed we will recommend modifications that will improve effectiveness or reduce costs – or both!

Need a hand there?