The CMO Assist Program

If the CMO (or VP/Head of Marketing) is yourself, we know from personal experience that as marketing leaders we often need to consult and confer with others who understand our role and have already faced the same challenges. Very often it can save us time, budget, and headache, or better yet – support and corroborate our way of thinking and preferred solution.

Discussing issues with busy colleagues (who have their own problems…) or with management members (whose perspective is naturally biased towards their own domains) rarely contributes, and who’s got time to read articles and research?

The solution is getting yourself a trusted soundboard to effectively test scenarios and solutions with. Maybe even to perform some research for you?

A weekly call or meeting with someone like you who is objective can save time, and make you more effective and efficient.  More importantly it can provide the much-needed added confidence and clarity in making marketing decisions – strategic And tactical.

This is exactly the essence of the CMO Assist program. Regardless of the stage you’re in – positioning and message development, branding, planning the distribution network, lead generation, marketing automation deployment, selecting a PR agency, establishing a content marketing function, or simply defining marketing roles and responsibilities – let us be a resource for you!

Yes, lets talk