B2B Marketing for CEOs

If you are an entrepreneur, CEO, finance wiz, board member in a tech company, or any senior role in a tech company, you have experienced the frustration trying to translate “marketese” to straight-up ROI Wiifm talk.

In other words, how does all the “stuff” that marketing does contribute to achieving the company’s objectives (e.g., exposure, revenue, cooperation, M&A), how to measure the success of these activities, prioritizing them, and other such considerations and decisions.

In young or small companies (but not just…) it’s extremely easy to derail the marketing organization by requesting explanations, getting involved in endless discussions, reasoning and second guessing.

This only serves to reduce confidence, hurt motivation and destroy any “can do” attitude left.
Soon enough, this blows over and by the time you figure out what’s going on you have no choice but to recruit a new head of marketing – getting into the same vicious cycle all over again…

We’ve been there – on the side of the head of marketing, and we got some keys to solve this deadlock:

  1. How to explain to a CFO where the budget goes and why?
  2. How to explain to the head of sales what’s in it for her, and when?
  3. How to explain to the CEO the structure of the current/required marketing team, and the reasons for it?
  4. How to outline for the board the required marketing lifecycle , how / when it will deliver ROI?

We’d love to help you understand your marketing team, and enable both management and marketing to achieve their goals efficiently – with minimal “noise”.  
A great side effect to this effort is increasing the corporate confidence that indeed the marketing team functions correctly and “delivers” according to its goals and constraints.

Would that be of help?